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Waqf-e-Arzi [COMMITTEE #2]


  • Cumulative reporting & monitoring system
  • Increase engagements
  • Minimum 1 week services to Pakistan, Africa and Guatemala
  • Provide Dentists in Gambia

  • Identify individuals who routinely serve (In-person or telehealth)
  • Identify Waqf-e-Arzi opportunities
  • Increase engagements: Inspire service among AMMA & AUX membership in monthly meetings

✓ Total of 12 members served in Pakistan

✓ 2 members serving virtually (Radiology): Read about 170 CT scans – 50-60 hours this month.

✓ Created a cumulative reporting/monitoring system

✓ Exceeded our goal of at least 44 WA services Action Items:

Action Items: Identify Dentists to serve in Gambia

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